Andre Uitterlinden, Erasmus MC
Andre Uitterlinden
Head of Population Genomics & Head of Human Genomics Facility
Erasmus MC

André G. Uitterlinden is a Professor of Complex Genetics and with >50 group members head of the Laboratory of Population Genomics at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. His previous research involved identifying genetic factors for common traits and diseases (e.g., osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, anthropometry, age at menopause), and is now focused on working in the 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG) project in Europe, and implementing genetic information in health care and prevention settings. In 2005 he initiated the Human Genomics Facility (HuGeF; ), which is now one of Europe’s largest genomics facilities, providing services for DNA isolation, genotyping, sequencing, and data analysis, and is handling millions of samples for a global client portfolio.