James Kinross, Imperial College London
James Kinross
Reader in Colorectal Surgery and a Consultant Surgeon
Imperial College London

Dr Kinross is a Reader in Colorectal Surgery and a Consultant Surgeon at Imperial College London. His clinical interest is in robotic surgery and minimally invasive surgery for colorectal cancer. He performs translational research in the fields of early colorectal cancer detection and prevention and in surgical technology transfer. 1) The gut microbiome: His group is studying how the gut microbiome causes colorectal cancer and how it may be engineered to improve operative outcomes. He works with the African Microbiome Institute to determine how diet/microbiome interactions cause western diseases such as cancer, and he is a Co-I on the Horizon 2020 funded GROWTH consortium studying how the microbiome influences anastomotic healing and surgical gut health. He cofounded the International Cancer Microbiome Consortium. 2) iKnife: He is the PI on the NIHR funded iEndoscope project that uses intra-operative mass spectrometry (known as Real-time Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry or REIMS) for improving precision in the endoluminal and laparoscopic treatment of colorectal cancer. He is involved in a number of different systems biology projects that leverage metabolic profiling in the fields of inflammatory bowel disease and 3) Digital Surgery: For the last five years his research group has developed technologies in the fields of artificial intelligence for real time decision support in the operating room and his group is developing extended reality technologies for anatomical image augmentation. His team deployed the HoloLens 2 head set as part of the COVID19 response to minimise transmission rates amongst front line staff. 4) Data Science: James is the PI on the PanSurg project which has delivered education and primary research on the impact of Covid19 on surgical services. As part of this work, his team are building a secure continually updating web-source processing pipeline for REaltime DAta Synthesis and Analysis (REDASA) of Scientific Literature on COVID-19. During his training, James was an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Surgery and an Ethicon Laparoscopic Fellow in Colorectal Surgery. He was awarded a Royal College of Surgeons of England training fellowship during his PhD and he was funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences as an early stage lecturer. He is a visiting Professor at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. He has been previously funded by BowelResearchUK and the Imperial BRC. You can follow him on Twitter at @bowelsurgeon.