Jordana Bell, King's College London
Jordana Bell
Reader in Epigenomics
King's College London

Professor Jordana Bell leads the epigenomics research group at the Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology at King's College London. Her research explores the (epi)genomic basis of complex diseases in human populations, focusing on intermediate phenotypes including epigenomic and gut microbiome variation. The broad aim is to apply computational approaches to characterise the biological processes underlying human ageing and age-related cardio-metabolic disease risk, onset, and progression. Jordana completed her doctoral studies on genetic interactions in human complex traits at the University of Oxford. She was subsequently a Wellcome Trust funded fellow at the Universities of Chicago and Oxford, where her work shifted towards human epigenomics. Since joining King’s in 2012 Jordana has established a research programme in human population epigenomics and is currently leading research efforts across UK and international collaborative projects, including within DIMENSION, ESSN, GoDMC, and CHARGE consortia. Jordana’s primary research focus is to understand the processes shaping epigenetic variation in human populations, and its biomedical significance. Further projects explore computational approaches for integrative analyses of high-dimensional biomedical data (environmental exposures, DNA sequence, DNA methylation, metabolomics, microbiome, and phenotype) - for prediction of future disease, towards implementing stratified medicine. Jordana is coordinator of the JPI ERA-HDHL funded DIMENSION consortium on dietary impacts on the epigenome and transcriptome in context of metabolic health.