Cecilia Williams, KTH Royal Institute of Technology & SciLifeLab
Cecilia Williams
Professor & Head of Department of Protein Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology & SciLifeLab

Cecilia Williams leads a group at KI that is shared with her lab at KTH and SciLifeLab. She received her PhD training in DNA sequencing technologies and the p53 tumor suppressor gene at KTH, postdoc training in gene expression profiling techniques and stem cells, and was later a researcher at Karolinska Institutet where she studied the role of estrogen receptor beta. In 2009, she joined the Center of Nuclear Receptors and Cell Signaling at University of Houston as Assistant Professor and received a tenured Associate Professorship in 2015. Her main activities at BioNut are focused at understanding hormonal signalling and the role of non-coding RNAs in cancer and includes the supervision of doctoral students.