Rob Ewing, University of Southampton
Rob Ewing
Professor in Proteomics and Systems Biology
University of Southampton

Rob Ewing is Professor in Cancer Systems Biology at the University of Southampton, UK. He received his DPhil from the University of Oxford in molecular genetics, worked as a postdoc in the CNRS and at Carnegie Institute/Stanford University, where he developed computational techniques for the analysis of large-scale 'omics data. As a bioinformatics scientist in industry (Incyte Genomics, Palo Alto; MDS Proteomics, Toronto), he developed interests in using massive genomic and proteomic data-sets to understand human protein interaction networks. His laboratory currently focuses on applying proteomic and computational methods to map protein-protein interaction networks that drive human disease and development. Specific and current interests include computational approaches to network-based integration of 'omics data with applications in developing an oncolytic virotherapy against brain tumours.