Harnessing Innovations in Precision Medicine
14:10 - 15:40 on Day 1, Wednesday 29th January 2025, in the Genome Dome
This roundtable will discuss the strategic foresight and the need for agility in harnessing the latest technologies for diagnostic purposes, and how precision medicine can help revolutionise healthcare. It will discuss the ethical considerations, barriers to adoption and future trends that are about to shake up precision medicine.
How to sign-up: In mid-November all registrants/ticket holders will be sent an email announcing how to sign-up for roundtable sessions.
Key Takeaways
- Gain insights into the latest advancements and technologies driving precision medicine.
- Understand the ethical considerations influencing the adoption of personalized healthcare approaches.
- Explore collaborative opportunities across academia, industry, and healthcare sectors to enhance precision medicine initiatives.
- Address challenges and barriers hindering the widespread adoption of precision medicine. Identify future trends and opportunities in precision medicine research and applications.
Roundtable Leaders
Shreerang Bhide
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Elif Dagdan
Director of the Center for Medical Genetics
Augusta Hospital Bochum
Bogdan Chiva Giurca
Honorary Lecturer
University College London
Teodora Popa
Lecturer in Reproductive and Molecular Genetics
University College London
Mark Kristiansen
Head of Genomics Facility
University College London