Choosing the Right Single-Cell and Spatial Technology for Your Research Question

16:05 - 17:10 on Thursday 30th January in the Genome Dome

The roundtable session aims to provide researchers, from early-career scientists to professionals, with the guidance and knowledge necessary to choose the most appropriate technologies for their research questions. This session will focus on the rapidly evolving fields of single-cell and spatial biology, which are revolutionizing our understanding of cellular heterogeneity and tissue architecture.

Key Takeaways

Formatted Text
  1. Align Technology with Your Research Question
  2. Consider Trade-offs (i.e. Resolution, Throughput and Cost)
  3. Evaluate Compatibility with Existing Workflows and Data Analysis Tools
  4. Stay Informed About Emerging Technologies and Trends

Roundtable Leaders

Maria Greco

Single Cell Facility Manager, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine

University of Oxford

Owen Rackham

Associate Professor in Systems Biology

University of Southampton

Gordon Beattie

Research Fellow

University College London