Introductory BioinformaticS Bootcamp

Date: Day 1, Wednesday 29th January 2025
Time: 11:15 - 13:00
Location: The Single-Cell & Spatial Dome

This condensed, hands-on workshop introduces attendees to the essentials of spatial data analysis using bioinformatics.

In just 1.5 hours, attendees will learn key concepts and gain practical experience in analyzing and visualizing spatial transcriptomics data.

The session is tailored for beginners who want to understand the basics of spatial data and its applications in biological research.

Learning Objectives

Formatted Text
  1. Understand the fundamentals of spatial data in bioinformatics.  
  2. Have practical experience in basic spatial data analysis and visualization.
  3. Know how spatial data can be applied to study tissue architecture and disease.

Workshop Format

Introduction to Spatial Data in Bioinformatics.

- Overview of spatial transcriptomics.

- Key technologies and why spatial data matters.

Case Study Discussion

- Real-world example of spatial data analysis in pancreatic cancer associated-fibroblasts

- Live demonstration with streamlined R script Q+A with questions and insights from the audience based on their own experience

Hands on Spatial Data Analysis

- Introduction to analysis tools (e.g. Seurat). Loading and pre-processing spatial data.

- Looking at cell-to-cell interactions and neighborhoods.

- Basic visualization to create spatial plots and map data onto tissue images.

Workshop Leaders

Adam Bryce

Honorary Clinical Lecturer

University of Glasgow

Yara Elena Sanchez-Corrales

Computational Research Fellow

University College London