
Get Your In-Person Festival Ticket Below

The Festival of Genomics & Biodata is an in-person event, there is no digital/hybrid access. However, to help you get the most out of your attendance, all attendees will receive online access to digital recordings of sessions from all 7 theatres, within three weeks of the event. We anticipate over 90% of sessions being available digitally. You must attend the Festival in-person to receive access to the recordings.

Select the ticket type that matches your profile below and press ‘book now’.

Festival tickets are free for the vast majority of attendees, but not all. If you’re in any doubt about which ticket to choose, have a look at the ‘Registration FAQs’ at the bottom of the page.

End User Ticket

These tickets are for people (excluding PhD students) who work exclusively for a research institution, university, clinic, payor, hospital, governmental body, registered charity or pharma company (with an existing drug pipeline).

In-Person End User Poster Presentation Ticket

This ticket is only for people who work exclusively for a research institution, hospital, clinic, payor, pharma company (with an existing drug pipeline) or who are a full-time PhD students who want to attend the Festival AND display a poster in the Poster Zone at The Festival of Genomics & Biodata in Boston. If you have a dual affiliation because you also work for a Solution Provider/ Technology Provider company, you are not eligible for this ticket. Your poster submission is subject to approval and the organiser's decision about eligibility is final. We will select posters for the Poster Zone based on the information provided in the application process. The deadline for applications is Wednesday May 1st. Tickets are non-transferable. PLEASE NOTE: WE ONLY ACCEPT REGISTRATIONS FROM WORK EMAIL ADDRESSES.

PhD Student Ticket

This ticket is for PhD students. If you have a dual affiliation, for example you are a PhD Student ticket but you also work for a Technology Provider / Solution Provider / Vendor you are not eligible for a free ticket.

Investor Ticket

This ticket is only available to people working exclusively as investors and for venture capital firms.

Student Ticket - Undergraduate and Masters

If you have a dual affiliation, for example you are a student but you also work for a Solution Provider / Vendor then you must purchase a Solution Provider / Vendor ticket. Please use your student email address when registering for your student ticket to expedite the registration process. Please be aware that if you don't meet the eligibility criteria for this student ticket your ticket will be cancelled and you will only receive a partial refund.

In-Person Solution Provider / Technology Provider Ticket For Researchers

This ticket is for scientists / researchers who are working for Solution Provider / Technology Provider companies. This ticket is not suitable for anyone who is a founder, C-suite level, working in product management, sales, BD or marketing. This ticket is for anyone working for a technology provider/ solution provider ticket in Sales, Marketing, BD, Product Development or C-Level roles. Recruitment Consultants are also not eligible for this ticket type.

In-Person Start-Up Company Ticket

To be eligible for a start-up company ticket, your company must be less than 5 years old and employ less than 15 people. Your company also can't be owned by a parent company.

Early Bird In-Person Solution Provider / Technology Provider Ticket

This ticket is for anyone working for a technology provider/ solution provider in Sales, Marketing, BD, Product Development or C-Level roles. Recruitment Consultants are not eligible for this ticket type. Any tickets cancelled by the Organiser are subject to an admin cancellation fee of $15 plus a credit card transaction fee for the cost incurred in dealing with the booking. Tickets are non-transferrable. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel your ticket if you do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Please note:

  • Tickets are non-transferable.
  • You must use your work/organization email address when registering.
  • The organiser's decision about eligibility for all tickets is final.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to cancel your ticket if you do not meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Any tickets cancelled by the Organiser are subject to an admin cancellation fee of $20 plus a credit card transaction fee for the cost incurred in dealing with the booking.

Separate note for patients, carers, families of patients and patient organisations:

Using personal email addresses - We previously decided to ask all attendees to use work email addresses to register. This was to ensure we could verify the identity of all Festival attendees, to prevent unwanted approaches and harassment of attendees (as has happened at other large-scale events), and for security reasons (so we know the true identity of every participant). If you are a patient, patient carer, family of a patient or a patient organisation and would like to access the Festival but do not have a work email address, simply email with your first name, last name and contact email address (plus your affiliation and organization - if you would like to).

Registration FAQs

No. The Festival is taking place in-person ONLY. So, to participate in the Festival, you will need to travel to Boston and attend in-person.

Keeping the Festival free to attend, in the long run, is a priority. It’s important to the business model that supports free attendance of the Festival that we create a vibrant, dynamic, well-attended LIVE event. We want to ensure as many people attend the in-person Festival as possible, so that our sponsors and exhibitors (who ultimately pay for the event and subsidize free tickets) meet as many people as possible. This keeps this, and future Festivals, free to attend for more than 90% of our attendees. We are developing our digital offering for the future, particularly for those who cannot travel to the Festival in-person.

A Festival ticket gives you access to the theatres for the agenda sessions, networking activities, the main exhibition floor and the drinks reception as well as a host of activities taking place during the Festival itself!

You must use your work/organization email address when registering for the Festival. We do not accept registrations using a personal email address.

The Festival is free to attend for people working exclusively for a healthcare provider, a research institution, a not for profit organisation, a registered charity or a pharmaceutical company (with an existing drug pipeline).

This ticket applies if you work for a company that sells technology or solutions to research institutions, hospitals or pharma companies. This ticket is also the correct option for companies that sell services or products to our sponsors and exhibitors.

If you are eligible for 2 (or more) different types of tickets due to your dual (or more) affiliations then the most expensive ticket type applies. For example, if you qualify for a free ticket due to working for a research organisation but also work for a Solution Provider / Technology Provider then you must purchase a Solution Provider / Technology Provider ticket.

If you purchase the wrong type of ticket (for example, you purchase a student ticket when you should have purchased a Technology/Solution Provider ticket), your ticket will be cancelled, and a partial refund given (after credit card processing fees and a $20 admin fee have been applied).

There are a limited number of undergraduate and master’s student tickets available so we would recommend registering for your ticket as soon as possible.

To apply for a press pass please contact Please note it is not possible to apply for a press pass during the Festival. Press passes must be applied for in advance. Conditions apply.

Following feedback from attendees and exhibitors, we've taken the difficult decision not to allow access to any recruitment consultants for the Festival in 2023.

Please note that tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.

If you have any questions about your booking or you're not sure which ticket applies to you please contact

You can view our full admissions policy here. Any tickets cancelled by the Organiser are also subject to an admin fee of $20 per booking.