The Pyramid Stage has a range of career development related workshops, roundtable sessions and healthcare related talks.

On Day 2, The Pyramid Stage features sessions on Nursing & Midwifery, Genetic Counselling and Patient Voices.


Sessions on the Pyramid Stage kick start with Nursing & Midwifery, followed by a session of Genetic Counselling talks. The day ends with Patient Voices.

Nursing & Midwifery

Session 1: Nursing

11:20 - Genomics in Nursing – A National Focus

  • Colette Scrace, Lead Nurse for Genomics, NHS England
  • Dominic Studart, Lead Nurse, South East GMSA
  • Philandra Costello, Lead Nurse, Central & South Genomic Medicine Service Alliance

11:28 - Genomics For Acutely Unwell Children

  • Philandra Costello, Lead Nurse, Central & South Genomic Medicine Service Alliance

11:36 - Improving Standards of Care in A Nurse Led Genomics Epilepsy Clinic

  • Mark Mencias, Neurogenetics Clinical Nurse Specialist, St George's Hospital

11:45 - A Nurse-Led Prostate Cancer Genetic Risk Clinic 

  • Elizabeth Bancroft, Chief Nurse, North Thames GMSA

Session 2: Genomic Red Flags In Midwifery

Introduction to Session 1 Case Studies

  • Colette Scrace, Lead Nurse for Genomics, NHS England

12:10 - Case Study 1 - Early Detection, Early Action: Exploring Genomic Testing Options at Initial Midwife Appointment

  • Karen Creed, Lead Midwife, Central and South GMSA
  • Jo Hargrave, Lead Midwife, East of England GMSA

12:30 - Case Study 2 - Lost Opportunities: Uncovering Genomic Clues to Pregnancy Loss

  • Denise Barnes, Lead Midwife, North East and Yorkshire GMSA
  • Tina Prendeville, Lead Midwife, North Thames GMSA
Lead Nurse for Genomics
NHS England
Lead Nurse
South East GMSA
Lead Nurse
Central & South Genomic Medicine Service Alliance
Neurogenetics Clinical Nurse Specialist
St George's Hospital
Lead Midwife
Central and South GMSA
Lead Midwife
East of England GMSA
Lead Midwife
North East and Yorkshire GMSA
Lead Midwife
North Thames GMSA
Chief Nurse
North Thames GMSA
[break] Lunch
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Biodata Showcase: 15-minute technology-focused presentations
  • Poster Zone: Browse the posters and reach out to potential new collaborators
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
A Unique Collaborative Model Providing Supportive and Self-Advocacy Tools to The Rare Disease Community
  • The unique set of healthcare challenges that people with a rare genetic disease may face.
  • The self-advocacy tools that can help people with a rare disease get their needs met.
  • The importance of empowering and supporting health care professionals in rare diseases.
  • How collaborations between patients and health care professionals can support self-advocacy.
Registered Specialist Genetic Counsellor
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
The Added Value of Codesign With Patients to Inform Research And Clinical Pathways for Genetic Cancer Susceptibility
  • Patient experiences living with Lynch syndrome and making decisions about cancer risk management
  • Codesign of a website to provide a central, trusted source of information and decision support
  • The added value of patient partnerships and how genetic counsellors can use transferrable skills to complete original research
Consultant Genetic Counsellor
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Supporting Patients Through PGT at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ (GSTT) Hospital PGT Service
  • Design and delivery of PGT patient experience survey.
  • Redesign of service to deliver group-facilitated patient video sessions of PGT process and facilitated peer group support sessions.
  • Patient feedback on these interventions
Consultant Genetic Counsellor
Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options, including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
Genomics Partnership Wales: A Collaborative Approach to the Development of Genomics in Wales
  • Describe the approach to patient and public involvement and engagement in the development of genomics in Wales
  • Provide a patient perspective of genomics in Wales
  • Outline some of the future ambitions for patient and public involvement and engagement across the Genomics Partnership Wales programme
Programme Manager
Genomics Partnership Wales
Patient Advocate and Campaigner
Genomics Partnership Wales Patient and Public Sounding Board
Engaging Mental Health Services in Genomics - Improving Equity of Access
  • Scoping of use of genomic testing in MH services
  • Consultation with stakeholders around testing pathways
  • Awareness raising and educational activities
  • Coordinating testing in memory services / LD services
Senior Nurse Practitioner
Tower Hamlets Diagnostic Memory Clinic, East London NHS Foundation Trust
Mental Health Lead
North Thames Genomic Medicine Service Alliance