Harnessing the power of high performance computing and storage solutions to overcome the challenges of big data analysis, sharing and access

The Biodata Stage will delve into the ethical and legal aspects of data sharing, maximising health data usage and infrastructure for large datasets, with talks on federated data and real-world evidence applications. 


The Biodata Stage focusses on big data storage and analysis, data storage, access and analysis in the cloud and big data supporting research.

Day 1 ends with a panel discussion with the UK Biobank, Genomics England, NIHR BioResource for Translational Research and Our Future Health.

Advancing Genomics & Health Through Data

In this session:

  • Overview of Elixir Europe’s big data projects
  • How large-scale genomics programmes can support personalised health and research
  • Advances in the security and sharing of omics data across borders, including the GDI
Professor of Bioinformatics, King's College London and Director
More details to be announced shortly

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Updates To The UK Biobank

In this session:

  • Overview of updates to the UKBB
  • Infrastructure updates and the proteomics project
  • Imaging study updates and data releases
Deputy CEO
UK Biobank
[break] Lunch
  • Exhibition Floor : Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Food Options : Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Japanese food
  • Live Lounge Over Lunch : 15 mins technology focussed presentations
  • Poster Zone : Browse the posters and reach out to potential new collaborators
  • Talkaoke : The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like.
  • Patient Perspectives: Talks and discussions on the crucial role of patients and patient families in the understanding and development of treatments for rare diseases.
Delivering a Federated Network of TREs to Enable Safe Data Analytics

In this session:

  • How delivering a federated network of TRE's will enable researchers to perform better analysis across multiple TRE's
  • How streamlining how the processing is done by using adaptable, reproducible pipelines and computational workflows can support researchers
  • Next steps, and future directions for safe, accessible data sharing and analysis. 
Director of Health Informatics
University of Nottingham
Sponsored Talk Available
Translational Research Opportunities in Our Future Health

In this session:

  • An update on Our Future Health recruitment and data availability
  • Biospecimen access for biomarker discovery and validation
  • Recontact study possibilities including targeted trial recruitment
Executive Director of Science
Our Future Health
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network.
  • Food Options : Grab a coffee and a cake at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Thai food
  • Exhibition Floor : Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Talkaoke : The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like.
The Life of Data in The Crick

In this session:

  • The heterogeneous research data landscape within the Crick
  • Data management lifecycle
  • Plans for data in the future and other considerations 
Chief Data Officer & Head of Data Management & Analytics Platform Team
The Francis Crick Institute
More details to be announced shortly

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Panel Discussion: Building upon the strength of the UK's healthcare data - Pushing Research Towards the Next Frontier

This panel will discuss the collection, analysis and access to UK datasets and how these are being optimised to support research

Chief Medical Officer
Genomics England
Executive Director of Researcher Data & Product
Our Future Health
Chief Scientist
UK Biobank
NIHR BioResource


The Biodata Stage will be focussing on biodata and analysis as well as infrastructure optimisation. The day ends with a panel discussion on sharing data safely and efficiently.

ELIXIR Supported Infrastructure to Enable Secure Access to Genomic Data

In this session:

  • ELIXIR is supporting Europe to deploy infrastructure to facilitate the discoverability, access, sharing and analysis of genomics data linked to other data types, at scale (4-5M participants)
  • The talk will also discuss the impact of infrastructure in translating genomics research into medicine
Head of Human Genomics and Translational Data
More details to be announced shortly - Sponsored by AWS

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The All of Us Research Programme

This talk will present the latest updates from The All of Us Research Programme. This will include how the platform is effectively storing and allowing access to multi-modal data from electronic health records, surveys, physical measures, wearables data, and whole genome sequences. We'll cover the main aims and priorities of The All of Us Programme to date, and how it can inform precision medicine approaches. Finally, we'll cover the main challenges that are currently faced and future directions.

Chief Technology Officer, AllOfUs Research Program
National Institutes of Health
[break] Lunch
  • Exhibition Floor : Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Food Options : Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Japanese food
  • Live Lounge Over Lunch : 15 mins technology focussed presentations
  • Poster Zone : Browse the posters and reach out to potential new collaborators
  • Talkaoke : The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like.
A Digital Genomics Blueprint for Wales

In this session:

  • Designing the national digital architecture to support the Genomics Partnership Wales
  • Addressing the complexity of EHR data
  • Overview of current projects and future directions
Digital Architect
Digital Health and Care Wales
Sponsored Talk Available
Sharing OMICs Data Internationally to Accelerate Biomedical Research

In this session:

  • Reusing data in biomedical research – a paradigm shift
  • Types of OMICs data Sharing data from cancer genome projects
  • Secure sharing of OMIC data derived from patients
  • Building federated data-sharing infrastructure for the secure sharing of sensitive data
EMBL Scientist Emeritus
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking : Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network.
  • Food Options : Grab a coffee and a cake at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Thai food
  • Exhibition Floor : Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Talkaoke : The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like.
Panel Discussion: How Can We Safely and Efficiently Share Data Internationally?

With the goal for many to be to share omics data internationally, what’s preventing the widespread sharing of data?

This panel will discuss:

  • The challenges of international data sharing, including infrastructure, data quality and security
  • Legal and ethical considerations
  • Lessons learned
The Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)
European Genomic Data Infrastructure Deployment Lead