Translating the advances in sequencing, policy and big data for transformative change in the research and diagnostic landscape

The Main Stage theatre will host the keynotes as well as the Festival mystery speakers who will be announced over the coming months. It will also explore cutting-edge sequencing technologies and discuss establishing the UK as a global life sciences leader post-Brexit.  We also have a range of sequencing workshops and roundtables. Please see here for more information


The Main Stage will kick off with keynote presentations from Professor Dame Sue Hill, Professor Tim Spector and Adam Rutherford, alongside an exciting panel discussion on rapid genome sequencing in acutely unwell children.

The Main Stage will then focus on advances in sequencing technologies.

How NHS England Is Continuing To Reshape Healthcare With Genomics
  • An overview of strategic projects and updates to the NHS genomic medicine service
  • What 2025 holds in store for advances in genomic medicine
Chief Scientific Officer
NHS England
Constellation: Revolutionising the Approach to Rapid Genome Sequencing in Acutely Unwell Children
  • Hear about first-hand impressions and applications of the latest Illumina technology
  • Find out how Constellation technology is redefining the genome
Head of Department
Exeter Genomics Laboratory
Professor of Genomic Medicine
University of Exeter
Sr Director, Translational Research, Application & Customer Enablement

Putting The UK at The Forefront of Genomics and Precision Medicine
Minister for Patient Safety, Women's Health and Mental Health
Department for Health and Social Care
Genetics, Microbes and The Future of Personalised Nutrition
  • Understanding the link between omics, the microbiome, and the impact of diet on health
  • The future of personalised nutrition, and improving gut health
  • The impact of translating these findings will lead to a healthier population - moving from sick care to healthcare
Professor in Genetic Epidemiology
King’s College London
Genetics, Mendel and Bigotry: Our Role in The Return of Scientific Racism
Scientist, Writer, Broadcaster
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options, including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer.
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
A Novel Diagnostic Approach for Highly Multiplexed Biomarker Detection Using Nanopores
  • Single-molecule screening
  • DNA sequenced barcoded molecular probes
  • Multiplexed detection
Professor of Biosensing & Analytical Sciences
Imperial College London
Look at The Great Things You Can Do With Nanopore Sequencing

In this session, Ivo Gut will discuss how nanopore sequencing is being used at CNAG for various applications and the unique advantages this technology confers for the following topics:

  • de novo genome assembly for both large genomes in plant and animal research and small genomes such as for characterisation of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Full-length mitochondrial genome sequencing in neuromuscular disease
  • Comprehensive genome-wide DNA methylation analysis by low coverage nanopore WGS
Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)

Application of Nanopore Sequencing For Liquid Biopsy Analysis in Children With Cancer
  • Paediatric cancers are the leading cause of death in children post infancy in the Western world. Comprehensive molecular profiling is essential to elucidate the molecular basis of treatment resistant disease and to guide clinical decision making. Access to high-quality tumour material for genomic profiling is a challenge in children where tissue biopsies are small. The analysis of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from liquid biopsies for the detection of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) offers a powerful, minimally invasive alternative to tumour profiling. However, ctDNA analysis is currently limited in sensitivity, scalability, turnaround time and cost, hindering its implementation into standard clinical care. Emerging Nanopore sequencing can report on native DNA, is rapid and scalable at low cost, making this technology highly attractive in the clinical setting
  • In this talk, I will introduce the UK Stratified Medicine Paediatrics study which has recruited >750 paediatric patients with solid tumours, and present our Nanopore sequencing approaches for sequencing native cfDNA from these patients
  • I will then show bioinformatic approaches and tools developed in our laboratory for the analysis of Nanopore sequencing data from cfDNA
  • Finally, I will present research results to illustrate how Nanopore-based multi-modal cfDNA analysis (including copy number, methylation and fragmentomics) could be utilised to improve disease management in children with cancer by facilitating early detection, accurate diagnosis, and efficient serial monitoring of disease progression
Postdoctoral Researcher; Cortes-Ciriano Group
[break] Lunch
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options, including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Live Lounge Over Lunch: 15-minute technology-focused presentations
  • Poster Zone: Browse the posters and reach out to potential new collaborators
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
SQANTIverse: A Comprehensive Framework for Analyzing Long-Read Transcriptomics Data
  • Long-read sequencing (LRS) technologies like Oxford Nanopore and Pacific Biosciences have become viable alternatives to short-read methods for transcriptomics, offering improved accuracy and throughput.
  • The SQANTI suite, developed for LRS data, includes tools for quality control, benchmarking, data visualization, and transcript annotation. Key components are SQANTI-SIM (for simulating data), BUGSI (internal standards for troubleshooting), and SQANTI3 (evaluates transcript reconstruction algorithms).
  • Specialized modules such as Filter, Rescue, and Requant improve transcript quantification, addressing biases unique to long-read RNA-seq, while IsoAnnot identifies functional transcripts and assesses the biological impact of splicing.
  • The methodologies support large experiments by addressing experimental design, correcting biases, and enabling joint transcriptome analysis for multi-sample studies 
Research Professor
Spanish National Research Council
Precision, Promise, Performance
  • What are HiFi reads?

HiFi reads combine long-read lengths with exceptional accuracy, offering highly reliable data with exceptional precision. While not a new technology, they are essential for applications requiring comprehensive coverage and minimal errors. This session will explore how HiFi reads enable researchers to generate extraordinarily high data quality, driving advancements in genomic analysis.

  • What impact can HiFi have?

HiFi sequencing has revolutionized genomics and continues to push the boundaries of biological discovery. Explore its transformative applications in population studies, pathogen sequencing, and rare disease research, and discover how you can leverage this cutting-edge technology to make a meaningful impact in your work.

  • More accessible than ever

What was once a 2-tonne machine is now available in a compact, benchtop format. Discover its capabilities and see how seamlessly it can be integrated into your laboratory workflow.

  • Valuable data, simplified

Unlock the power of high-quality sequencing at an accessible cost. For less than £500, achieve a 20X genome with complete coverage of all variants, providing the insights you need without exceeding your budget. Experience precision and affordability in a single, streamlined solution.

Vice President and General Manager, EMEA
Associate Director Sales, EMEA

Harnessing The Power of Long-Read Sequencing to Study Common Tandem Repeat Diseases of the Eye
  • Harnessing the new PacBio PureTarget Long-read Sequencing technology, coupled with Optical Genome Mapping to study tandem repeat diseases
  • How to utilise these technologies to explore tissue-specific dynamics of TCF4 triplet repeat instability
  • Future studies and directions
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network.
  • Food Options: Grab a coffee and a cake at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
Whole Genome Sequencing for Cancer
  • Moving WGS from promise to patient benefit, this talk will cover the utility of WGS in diagnostics, ctDNA analysis and patient monitoring
  • It will outline where patients may benefit most, such as where the primary tumour is unknown
  • How we are enriching the clinical WGS data from cancer patients with clinical metadata to create a usable research database is enabling discoveries and supporting precision oncology endeavours
  • How we are extending the database using RNA-seq, and other molecular data and the impact on future studies moving forward
Scientific Director
The Hartwig Medical Foundation
Sequencing at Scale: Advancing Health and Science Through Innovation and Transformative Economics
  • How Ultima’s new sequencing architecture can address tradeoffs between the breadth, depth, and sampling frequency
  • How Ultima’s transformative economics is changing the landscape of large-scale sequencing
  • Examples of sequencing at scale in various markets, including clinical testing, single cell and population sequencing

VP Applications
Ultima Genomics

Whole Genome Circulating Tumor DNA Sequencing in The Era of Low-Cost, High Accuracy Sequencing
  • Whole genome vs. targeted approaches in ctDNA sequencing 
  • Machine learning frameworks to differentiate cancer signal from sequencing noise 
  • Emerging methods to decrease sequencing error in whole genome sequencing for low abundance variant detection  
Associate Professor
École de Technologie Supérieure


Welcome to Day 2. The Main Stage will start with 3 keynote presentations and then move on to discuss RNA sequencing and establishing the UK as a stronger force in the life science space post-Brexit.

The Festival will end with a talk on Life and the Universe by Professor Brian Cox!

The Future of Genomics
  • What 2025 looks like for Genomics England's priorities
  • Building and scaling upon the growth of the UK’s genomics ecosystem
  • Building upon the UK datasets and feeding this back to research
Chief Executive Officer
Genomics England
The Public Voice in Genomics: Shaping Our Shared Future
Vice Chair for Cancer of the Participant Panel
Genomics England
Member of the Participant Panel
Genomics England
The Rare Disease Multiomics Programme at Genomics England​

We are assessing technologies that could increase the diagnostic rate of Rare Disease cases in the 100,000 Genomes Project where only ~20-30% have a genetic diagnosis from short read WGS.​

Director of Sequencing R&D
Genomics England
Director, Scientific Research

Panel: Building upon the strength of the UK's healthcare data - Pushing Research Towards the Next Frontier

This panel will discuss the collection, analysis and access to UK datasets and how these are being optimised to support research

Chief Medical Officer
Genomics England
Executive Director of Researcher Data & Product
Our Future Health
Chief Scientist
UK Biobank
NIHR BioResource
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network.
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options, including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food.
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer.
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like.

Panel: How Do We Evaluate Genomic Research Programmes?
  • How are genomics programmes evaluated?
  • How do we define "success"?
  • What are funders looking for?
Head of Strategy
Head of Clinical Genomics (Research)
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Panel: How useful is Genomics?
Deputy Director, Genomics
NHS England
Executive Director of Science
Our Future Health
[break] Lunch
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Biodata Showcase: 15-minute technology-focused presentations
  • Poster Zone: Browse the posters and reach out to potential new collaborators
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
genomDE: Pioneering Whole Genome Sequencing in Germany's Healthcare System - Integrating Research and Care for a Unified Future
  • genomDE: Germany's path to whole genome sequencing in medical care as part of the statutory health insurance service
  • Integrated infrastructure for healthcare and research
  • Close integration with other national research infrastructures, in particular the Medical Informatics Initiative of the German university medicine
  • Preparation for the European Health Data Space
Scientific Director
TMF Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e
Panel: What Are International Initiatives Doing to Support Diversity and Equitable Access in Genomic Medicine?
  • The priorities and challenges around national genomic initiatives
  • Implementing equitable precision medicine
Professor of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
University of Patras
Chief Executive Officer
Danish National Genome Center
Head of Population Genomics & Head of Human Genomics Facility
Erasmus MC
[break] Break
  • Speed Networking: Fun and useful sessions where you’ll rapidly meet other Festival attendees to immediately expand your network
  • Food Options: Grab a sandwich at The Tree of Life Cafe or head on over to the Food Village for a range of hot food options, including Indian, Jamaican and Lebanese food
  • Exhibition Floor: Wander around the vibrant exhibition floor to see the latest technologies and services on offer
  • Talkaoke: The Flying Saucer of Chat, a fun and interactive pop-up show that offers you the opportunity to sit down with others and discuss any topic you like
Panel: UK Genomics - From Strength to Strength
  • Future proofing the UK’s life science industry's strengths
  • Project highlights
  • Collaborating with industry
Chief Scientific Adviser - Health
Scottish Government
Chief Scientific Adviser
Department of Health, Northern Ireland
Chief Scientific Adviser
The Department of Health and Social Care
CEO & Chief Medical Officer
Our Future Health
Deputy Director of Health Science
Welsh Government
Life and the Universe
Physicist, Author, Broadcaster